Awaken Your

Fountain of Youth

Awaken Your Fountain of Youth!

Just imagine for a moment...

What would it feel like...

If you could... Recapture the Best version of you in your 20's?

What things
would you do . . .

if your body could become younger, flexible and vibrant as it once was?

And . . . what would be the single most profound change in your life if you could . . .

Maintain a much younger state in your 60s, 70s and beyond?


Do you even think this is possible?



Secrets of the Ageless!

An 8-week Masterclass in the SCIENCE and PRACTICE
of NATURAL AGE-REVERSAL - in your own body!

In this long-awaited, heavily researched and
supremely rejuvenating Masterclass . . .

Here are some exciting & life-transforming
you’ll discover in this Course.

  • YOU WILL LEARN: The REAL CAUSES of Aging in your Bodies.
    This includes your biochemistry, genetics, lifestyle & activity, nutrition, environment, beliefs, inner harmony & more. By tackling Aging at its roots, you’ll be able to regenerate yourself - beginning at any age!

  • YOU WILL LEARN: HOW TO LOWER YOUR BIOLOGICAL AGE, using specific, proven techniques and tools. [I used just one of these for 30 days straight, with no other changes, and shaved 11 years off my Biological Age! Measured using HRV Scan.] By doing this, you’ll also be down-regulating your pathways of inflammation and discomfort!
  • LET ME ASK YOU . . . WHAT AREAS OF YOUR BODY & HEALTH WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO TRANSFORM - GUT HEALTH? BRAIN HEALTH? HEART HEALTH? SKIN & HAIR? ENERGY? BLOOD SUGAR? We got you covered - these will be Core Learning Modules in our 8 week Masterclass! PLUS - when you join, we’ll send you a questionnaire, asking what subjects you’d most enjoy learning more about!!
  • THIS COURSE WILL GIVE YOU SPECIFIC TRACKS TO RUN ON - whether you wish to walk, jog or run. Each week you’ll be given a Summary Sheet after each Class (distilled into actionable bytes), a References List, a Goals Log, Weekly Assignments (optional, of course), Tracking Sheets, and even PRIZES (especially for great before and after photos, as well as your own personal story!)
  • YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT YOUR FIVE BODIES [also known as “The Five Human Sheaths.”]. Most of us identify primarily as our physical, emotional and mental selves. All of our five bodies co-exist in time and space. Each one contributes directly to our overall state of health - or of illness and imbalance. We’ll explore the energetics of each, and how we can integrate them into an ongoing state of wellness and longevity
  • YOU WILL LEARN SPECIFIC MEDITATIONS & EXERCISES to activate your self-healing mechanism. You’ll learn techniques to harmonize your bodies with the core frequency your soul, and thus embody its intentions in your daily life expression. We will start each class with a group meditation, and give you guidelines for creating a daily meditation practice at home.
  • YOU’LL BE INTRODUCED TO THE WORK OF TWO PHYSICIANS, WHO ARE CONSIDERED WORLD LEADERS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE FIELDS. One is in the area of Gut Health and the other in Brain Health. Since both these health areas are so complex and so individual-specific, It could take you YEARS of personal research, trial and error to find your real answers. Since both of these doc’s have waiting lists that are light years long - they’ve each created a Home Diagnosis and Treatment Program that is very effective, comprehensive and affordable. I can’t wait to share these Resources with you!
  • YOU’LL ALSO LEARN OF NATURAL HEALING TECHNOLOGIES THAT ARE VERY EFFECTIVE AT RESTORING YOUR TISSUES BACK TO THEIR INNATE PERFECT DESIGN! One uses Superfoods, specially grown and selected for their rejuvenation potential. Here are two before-and-after photos using this Superfoods Protocol:

Before & After
Using Superfoods 


Before & After
Using Superfoods 


The other Protocol uses only Sunlight, captured in a very specific way.
Here are two examples of this extraordinary All-Natural technology:

4-Months Before & After
Using Light Protocol:


5-Months Before & After
Using Light Protocol:

  • What you won’t get in this program are
    slick promises of instant fixes for any human condition:

    “From belly flab to six-pack in just 3 weeks!”
    “Newly discovered algae stops migraines in minutes!”
    “Drink this one super micro-green shake - and regain your healthiest brain ever!”

    Granted, some of these may have a degree of truth in them.
    But the greater truth is that each of us is a unique individual; and testing, and working with highly conscious mentors to achieve a state of exceptional health & well-being!

    I’ve gathered some of these luminaries along my journey,
    and you’ll meet a few in this Class. You’ll have access to their wisdom & teachings.


    If you practice them consistently, in time you will look and feel much younger.  And your friends will be asking you …

    “What have you been doing?  You look incredible!”

Welcome to … the newly emerging
An All-Natural program for
lowering your Biological Age!

Today there is more interest and research in the field of anti-aging and long-term health than ever before. Studies abound in the areas of epigenetics, senolytics, mitochondria, cell senscence, CR, NR, telomere lengthening and biological clocks.


Yet at the same time, aging and disability are also at an all-time high. Aging seems to become more “contagious” every week!

Perhaps . . . your own body may already be showing some so-called “signs of aging.”

Do you ever have moments of brain fog or memory loss?
Do you occasionally forget where you left your keys, or struggle to recall a friend’s name?


How’s your gut health?
Any bloating, constipation? Belly fat?  Is your body slowly inflating in size, regardless of how much you fast or work out?


How about Sagging skin? Hair loss? Depression?
These are not “conditions” - they are “symptoms.” The conditions (causes) lie deeper within you, and your diet, environment & lifestyle.


A major purpose of this Course - is to teach you  how to find & shift these inner causes... so you can then enjoy the outer effects!

[Youthing 101!!]

As you well know... we are currently in a health crisis of global proportions!

Did you know . . .
to have a shorter life expectancy than our parents?


Statistics now show:
74% of all Americans are overweight! Are you?
50% of Americans are diabetic or pre-diabetic! Are you?
35% of all U.S. adults - now (or will) have heart disease!

How will YOU protect yourself from this trend?

Chances are - if you do nothing differently, you’ll become one of these statistics


Well, I have some GREAT NEWS for you!
You will find your answers within this Course!!

Perhaps . . . it’s time you got ready . . .
for a profound life transformation!!

The SCIENCE & RESEARCH are now clear.
The TECHNOLOGY has been proven.
Your JOURNEY OF YOUTHING is about to begin!

In this course, you’ll be given
of how you can:

UNWIND the damage of your past choices;
REGENERATE your body tissues & systems;
REDISCOVER your natural state of inner Joy!


Sound good?
Let’s Dive In!


[This list is subject to change]


  • Fact - we can REGROW our brain!
  • Polyphenols - Antiox’s - Vit C
  • Lower Stress - enemy #1 of brain
  • Fasting - an essential practice
  • Butyrate. Miracle substance.
  • Best Herbs for Brain health
  • Exercise is crucial!
  • Berries, leafy greens, avocado, Om-3
  • Gut health a key to brain health


  • Microbiome is “Cornerstone of Health.”
  • Pre, Pro and Post-biotics
  • Enzymes & Digestion
  • Best Herbs to restore gut
  • Best Fibers to heal gut
  • Crucial role of exercise
  • Effects of drugs & alcohol
  • Variety of Plant Foods is key!


  • Pyramid of Healthiest Foods
  • Superfoods = Longer Life
  • Fasting = Youthing
  • Herbs for Life Extension
  • Collagen - how to restore
  • Best Supplements that work
  • How to Maximize Digestion
  • Eat Less, Live longer


  • Hydration & Human Physiology
  • Dehydration & Health
  • Power of Electrolytes
  • Hydration Myths & Facts
  • Water and Mental Health
  • EZ Water Benefits
  • Best sources of water


  • Best proven practices
  • Exercise
  • Hormesis
  • Functional Medicine
  • Ayurveda
  • Community
  • Stress-free
  • Balancing 7 Core Systems


  • Telomere extension
  • Senescence
  • NR, NMN, NAD
  • Carnosine
  • Dietary enhancers
  • Detoxing - inside & out
  • Epigenetic modifiers


  • Vitamin D
  • Mental Health
  • Improves Sleep
  • Skin Health
  • Benefits the eyes
  • Heart, Immunity
  • Lowers risks of cancer
  • Sunlight & Aging


  • Your Power to Envision
  • Mindfulness & Creativity
  • Purpose affects Outcomes
  • Uplevel Cognition
  • From Soul to Form
  • Adapt & Evolve
  • Stay Curious
  • Source of Optimal Health

I look forward to sharing this grand adventure with you!

So here at last . . . is an inspiring . . . new
adventure you can share with family, friends & loved ones!

Secrets of the Ageless


Our Goal is NOT just to present you with information and latest discoveries . . . but rather to immerse you in the Science of Youthing, teach you its principles and practices and show you to how apply these right away. So that in just 8 short weeks, you can look in the mirror and be AWED at what you see... a more youthful, energetic, & inspired YOU!

How much would THIS change your life? I know it would change mine a lot. It inspires me to watch people growing younger & healthier!

And just How Much would this change be Worth to you?

This entire 8-week Course of:

  • weekly classes
  • articles
  • interviews
  • resources list
  • daily action checklist
  • weekly progress score card
  • bonus reports
  • & life-changing wisdom . . .

Most health & wellness courses start at $497 or $297.
And at this price, “Secrets Of The Ageless” would
be a real BARGAIN - in terms of knowledge offered
and wisdom gained.

But since I have a strong passion for sharing Natural Health
and watching people Youthen over time . . .

I’ve decided to price for this entire Course at just


Start Course

Not only is this Course going to INSPIRE you to become much Younger, Healthier and Happier...

But by sharing this MasterClass with friends & loved ones you can receive a




Not only can you create that New, Younger Self you’ve been wanting.
But by sharing this with friends & loved ones, you can earn a REFERRAL BONUS!

Here’s how the Referral Program works:
Refer three people who enroll, and your course will become FREE!

Start Course

Program Rules:

  • You must enroll first
  • Anyone that enrolls MUST name you as the “referring person” and provide your phone or email.
  • Referral bonuses will be paid after the 4th class has completed.
  • You must complete the course to be awarded the bonus

We’re excited to share with you this inspiring, life-enhancing journey!
So you can live younger & healthier, and discover the secrets of the ageless!

The course begins on Thursday, June 27th, and will run for 8 weeks straight.
Each weekly masterclass will go from 6:00-7:15 PM PST.


You will receive a FREE COPY of my next book -


This book is a deep dive into Nature’s 39 most healing foods of all. This will be a spectacular addition to anyone’s library! it will outline the most powerful healing plants in all of Nature, including herbs, roots, flowers, fruit, nuts & seeds, pollen, algae and more. It will show you their most proven benefits, how to use them to lower your biological age, and exactly how consuming these will optimize your health and lengthen your life . . .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


The clock has truly been set back

“I’ve known Daniel for over 22 years. In 2010 I had a serious liver “medical scare.” I survived that event; but had a relapse 4 years later. It was Daniel who gave me caring input that helped me through these events. His health and nutritional wisdom were priceless. Not long ago these same symptoms returned. This time I was dead as a door nail. Sure enough, Daniel came up with 3 protocols that I followed religiously. The best was the stem cell protocol – fast, effective, and affordable. I now have new hope and passion for life. The clock has truly been set back! Thank you!”

Dan Douroux

Pompano Beach, FL Former attorney, Health mentor

True passion for optimal health and anti-aging

“I’ve known and worked with Daniel Bushnell for many years. He’s always had a true passion for optimal health and anti-aging. He’s studied extensively with some of the great health professionals. He tests out their wisdom first on himself, so he can better serve others and make a profound difference in their lives. “His advice has been very beneficial for me. I am impressed and inspired that many of his teachings align perfectly with my own beliefs and discoveries, except that he takes this to a deeper level. I admire and respect Daniel as one of the most knowledgeable and compassionate health teachers that I’ve met.”

Jeff Breakey

Sandpoint, ID, Owner, Health Essentials Business Mentor, Advisor, Coach

Looking younger than my years

“I’ve been a therapist for over 30 years. My specialty, the “Cardinal Technique” includes deep trauma-release work, authentic self-alignment, time-line healing, soul-mind-brain coherence, and frequency upleveling. This work requires a lot of intensity and focus, which can be very depleting. Throughout the years, my friend Daniel Bushnell has suggested various healing protocols to help me maintain my strength, stamina, and well-being. He’s been a lifesaver many times! His leading-edge research and knowledge have also kept me looking younger than my years. Which is OK, too!”

CC Cardinal, Ph.D., DRC

Santa Monica, CA Author, Speaker, Creator of The Cardinal Technique

Very positive difference in my life and health

“Daniel and I have been friends for over 25 years. Since I’ve known him, he’s been on a passionate pursuit of health, ageless living and longevity. He’s forever reading, listening and trying new approaches – then sharing what’s he’s learned. Daniel’s advice has been very beneficial for me – and has made a very positive difference in my life and health.”

Adiel Gorel

San Rafael, CA, Health advocate, author, speaker CEO of International Capital Group, Author of Life201 and two PBS Specials


"I was forced to spend much of my life looking for the fabled Fountain of Youth. In my early 20’s, I suffered a “medical accident” that was almost fatal. I lost a good portion of my brain, and then my body began aging rapidly. For quite a long time, I could not walk in a straight line. It was difficult for me to stand upright. My speech was garbled.

Occasionally I would feel a “black-out” coming on, and I’d have to bend over and hyperventilate to keep from passing out. Yet the worst thing of all – was that I could NOT THINK! This was so hard to live with. I could remember having a brain and being able to use it. But I could not access it now.

All I could do was endure each day, and hope that one day things would be different. It took me over two decades to fully regenerate. During this time, I tried every food, supplement, herb, and healing practice I could find to rebuild my broken body. Some worked, most didn’t. But I never gave up learning and growing – mistakes are part of the journey.

As time went on, I began to have small breakthroughs. One new herb, or superfood powder, or spiritual healing – would become an answer to prayer. Eventually – years later – I found myself becoming functional again. Each time I found a priceless treasure from Nature, I would add it to my daily routine. Over time I evolved into a healing regimen that got me well and kept me in a very youthful state for many years.

What happened next – is something I’m sure many of you can relate to. As time marched on, I began taking my health for granted. Yes, I confess – I got lazy! The aging process slowly crept back in. My hair became grayer and thinner. My face began to sag and lose its shape. I lost much of my muscle tone, and even grew a small spare tire. This all happened so gradually – I barely even noticed the changes! Until one fine morning, I looked in the bathroom mirror and truly saw my aging face – for the first time.

I was shocked at how old “that person” was! In that very moment – I committed to rejuvenating my body and mind once again. I dug out all my old files and immediately reinstated my daily health regimen and exercise routine. And in a matter of just weeks, I could see the youthing process begin to take effect! I vowed . . . “God willing, I’ll never let this happen again!” Bottom line – I’ve learned a lot about what makes the body age. And also, what foods, supplements, and daily practices can slow down and even reverse this process."

I’m now honored and excited to share this knowledge with YOU!

Daniel Bushnell